I am trying to build an msi that will upgrade an installation of mysql.
I can perform the basic upgrade of files and on a clean install everything works fine, the problem I have is, when performing an upgrade I need to perform a couple of actions around the uninstall of the previous version.
The only action I'm having trouble with is a change of one of the MySQL GLOBAL settings using the following command line
mysql.exe -u root --host= --port=5002 mysql --execute="SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0"
I do this as it is suggested that when upgrading a database innodb should perform a slow shutdown and this was the easiest way I could see of doing this.
Currently I use the following Wix to perform this action
<CustomAction Id="Innodb_slowshutdown" Property="OLDMYSQLEXE" Execute="immediate"
ExeCommand=""[MYSQLINSTALLBINPATH]mysql.exe" -u root --host= --port=5002 mysql --execute="SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0""
Return="check" Impersonate="yes"/>
<Custom Action="Innodb_slowshutdown" After="InstallInitialize">UPGRADEFOUND and NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE and NOT REINSTALL and MYSQLINSTALLBINPATH</Custom>
<RemoveExistingProducts After="Innodb_slowshutdown" />
However this always fails and I cannot understand why as when the fail occurs I copy the exact command line from the msiexec log and run it through a command line.
This works exactly as I would expect but I cannot figure out what the custom action is doing that is different.
During the install a console opens briefly and it would seem that the MySQL executable runs but something is wrong with the arguments and it causes a load of help info to come up, though I cant be sure this is exactly whats happening as it passes very quick.
Is there any way to pause the install at this point so I can see what is in the console?
Can anyone see any obvious problems with my Wix?
Also I'm not sure if this has anything to do with user rights, I run MSIEXEC from a command prompt opened "As Administrator" but if I did need to elevate rights how could I do this when I need to execute the action with the type immediate?
Please note I am aware that Immediate does not allow elevated rights but I cannot use deferred as it will not allow me to execute the command before RemoveExistingProducts.
I am not even sure it is anything to do with rights, I am merely pointing out that I have considered this as a possible reason but I cannot prove it.
Ok I found my mistake, this was due to not knowing how a Type 50 CaustomAction works.
All I had to do was to use a Property that contained the full path of the executable I wanted to execute and use ONLY command line arguments in the ExecuteCmd property
<CustomAction Id="Innodb_slowshutdown" Property="OLDMYSQLEXE" Execute="immediate"
ExeCommand="-u root --host= --port=5002 mysql --execute="SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0""
Return="check" Impersonate="yes"/>