for generate some query i use this code:
query_words = ['word1', 'word2', 'word3', ...]
query_array = [Q(text__icontains=w) for w in query_words]
query = query_array.pop()
for q in query_array:
query |= q #or query &= q
result = SomeModel.objects.filter(query)
result = SomeModel.objects.none()
I'm sure there's a way to write this more compact. How? I've tried to use reduce function:
query = reduce(lambda res, q: res |= q, query_array, query_array.pop())
But I got a syntax error. What's wrong?
you can try,
from operator import or_
query_words = ['word1', 'word2', 'word3', ...]
query_array = [Q(text__icontains=w) for w in query_words]
reduce(or_, query_array)