Search code examples

getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(, f) not working

// Place an ArticleFragment as our content pane
final ArticleFragment f = new ArticleFragment();
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(, f).commit();

This lines of code are from the NewsReader sample app

Why they are not working if the activity extends ActionBarActivity? Everything works fine if the activity extends FragmentActivity.


Not working means: The ArticleFragment don't becomes visible and it happens on devices with Android < 4.x, maybe < 3.x but I don't have a device with Android 3.x to test it.




  • does not work on Android 2.3 and below when using ActionBarActivity. There is a bug filed for this, though I am skeptical that it will get addressed. The only workaround I found was to call setContentView() with your own FrameLayout and use it as the target of your FragmentTransaction.