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vb.netclassextend is it possible to extend a system class?

I want to add a function to System.IO.Path Class.

The Problem is Path is NotInheritable.

So doing that is impossible:

Imports System.IO

Public Class Path : Inherits System.IO.Path

End Class


  • You can use Extension Methods. Those seem to be the functions of the extended class, but there is no real connection between them. They do make programming a bit more convenient though.

    Update: Let's see an example. Note that these are snippets from 3 files.

    'Noninheritable baseclass
    Public NotInheritable Class BaseClass
        Function f()
            Return 42
        End Function
    End Class
    Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
    Module ExtModule
        Public Sub Print(ByVal bc As BaseClass)
        End Sub
    End Module
    Sub Main()
        Dim bc As BaseClass
        bc = New BaseClass()
        bc.Print() 'Calling the extension method
    End Sub

    And it says 42.