I'd like to be able to mock a return value of getOrElse
method so that it returns what is passed as orElse
call-by-name argument with ScalaMock
trait ToBeMocked {
def getOrElse(arg: Int)(orElse: => String): String
ScalaMock has to be used because of currying. Running this:
class CallByNameMockSpec extends Specification with MockFactory {
trait ToBeMocked {
def getOrElse(arg: Int)(orElse: => String): String
"Mocking functions with call-by-name arguments" should {
"work" in {
val m = mock[ToBeMocked]
(m.getOrElse (_: Int)(_: String)).expects(101, *).onCall((x, y) => y)
m.getOrElse(101)("result") must beEqualTo("result")
throws an exception:
[error] ClassCastException:
test.service.CallByNameMockSpec$$anonfun$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$3$$anonfun$apply$4 cannot be cast to java.lang.String (CallByNameMockSpec.scala:16)
The trick is to use Product
version of onCall
method, convert the second argument to () => String
and call it:
class CallByNameMockSpec extends Specification with MockFactory {
trait ToBeMocked {
def getOrElse(arg: Int)(orElse: => String): String
"Mocking functions with call-by-name arguments" should {
"work" in {
val m = mock[ToBeMocked]
(m.getOrElse (_: Int)(_: String)).expects(101, *).onCall(_.productElement(1).asInstanceOf[() => String]())
m.getOrElse(101)("result") must beEqualTo("result")