What is the best (least resource heavy) way to fade an image in and out every 20 seconds with a duration of 1 second, against a black background (screensaver), in C# ?
(an image about 350x130px).
I need this for a simple screensaver that's going to run on some low level computers (xp).
Right now I'm using this method against a pictureBox, but it is too slow:
private Image Lighter(Image imgLight, int level, int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue)
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(imgLight);
int conversion = (5 * (level - 50));
Pen pLight = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(conversion, nRed,
nGreen, nBlue), imgLight.Width * 2);
graphics.DrawLine(pLight, -1, -1, imgLight.Width, imgLight.Height);
return imgLight;
You could probably use a Color Matrix like in this example on msdn