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tm_map has parallel::mclapply error in R 3.0.1 on Mac

I am using R 3.0.1 on Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)

I am trying to use tm_map from the tm library. But when I execute the this code

tm_map(crude, stemDocument)

I get this error:

Warning message:
In parallel::mclapply(x, FUN, ...) :
  all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code

Does anyone know a solution for this?


  • I suspect you don't have the SnowballC package installed, which seems to be required. tm_map is supposed to run stemDocument on all the documents using mclapply. Try just running the stemDocument function on one document, so you can extract the error:


    For me, I got an error:

    Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘SnowballC’

    So I just went ahead and installed SnowballC and it worked. Clearly, SnowballC should be a dependency.