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Cheking a Zero Polynomial

Can anyone explain me in below algorithm how the "ISZERO" function checking whether the polynomial is zero or not. Here "REM(P,e)" function removes all the values with exponent "e". what i don't able to understand is the significance of "if COEF(P,e) = - c". And also what is this "SMULT" function.

 structure POLYNOMIAL
    declare ZERO( ) poly; ISZERO(poly) Boolean
    COEF(poly,exp) coef;
    ATTACH(poly,coef,exp) poly
    REM(poly,exp) poly
    SMULT(poly,coef,exp) poly
    ADD(poly,poly) poly; MULT(poly,poly) poly;
    for all P,Q, poly c,d, coef e,f exp let
    REM(ZERO,f) :: = ZERO
    REM(ATTACH(P,c,e),f) :: =
    if e = f then REM(P,f) else ATTACH(REM(P,f),c,e)
    ***ISZERO(ZERO) :: = true
    ISZERO(ATTACH(P,c,e)):: =
    if COEF(P,e) = - c then ISZERO(REM(P,e)) else false***
    COEF(ZERO,e) :: = 0
    COEF(ATTACH(P,c,e),f) :: =
    if e = f then c + COEF(P,f) else COEF(P,f)
    SMULT(ZERO,d,f) :: = ZERO
    SMULT(ATTACH(P,c,e),d,f) :: =
    ATTACH(SMULT(P,d,f),c d,e + f)
    ADD(P,ZERO):: = P
    ADD(P,ATTACH(Q,d,f)) :: = ATTACH(ADD(P,Q),d,f)
    MULT(P,ZERO) :: = ZERO
    MULT(P,ATTACH(Q,d,f)) :: =


  • Without knowing what language this is, it looks like this line

    ISZERO(ATTACH(P,c,e)):: =
    if COEF(P,e) = - c then ISZERO(REM(P,e)) else false

    is specifying ISZERO recursively. We are trying to determine whether ATTACH(P, c, e), otherwise known as P(x) + cx^e, is zero. It first checks whether the x^e coefficient of P is -c. If not, then P(x) + cx^e is definitely not zero, and you can return false immediately. Otherwise, P(x) + cx^e = REM(P, e), so you have to check ISZERO(REM(P, e)).

    I believe SMULT is multiplication, so SMULT(P, a, b) is equivalent to a * x^b * P(x).