I am having issues with my halt_listener
thread. I can start import_1
but it will not spawn a halt_listener
thread. I am patterning this after known good code, the only difference was in the last iteration the halt_listener got fed a pipe instead of a queue.
class test_imports:#Test classes remove
alive = {'import_1': True, 'import_2': True};
def halt_listener(self, control_Queue, thread_Name, kill_command):
while True:
print ("Checking queue for kill")
isAlive = control_queue.get()
print ("isAlive", isAlive)
if isAlive == kill_command:
print ("kill listener triggered")
self.alive[thread_Name] = False;
def import_1(self, control_Queue, thread_Number):
print ("Import_1 number %d started") % thread_Number
t = Thread(target=test_imports.halt_listener, args=(control_Queue, 'import_1', 't1kill'))
count = 0
global alive
run = test_imports.alive['import_1'];
while run:
print ("Thread type 1 number %d run count %d") % (thread_Number, count)
count = count + 1
print ("Test Import_1 ", run)
run = self.alive['import_1'];
print ("Killing thread type 1 number %d") % thread_Number
def import_2(self, control_queue, thread_number):
print ("Import_2 number %d started") % thread_number
count = 1
while True:
alive = control_queue.get()
count = count + 1
if alive == 't2kill':
print ("Killing thread type 2 number %d") % thread_number
print ("Thread type 2 number %d run count %d") % (thread_number, count)
Anyone have any pointers to where I am going wrong.
You never call t.start()
to actually start the thread.