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Monitoring NVENC hardware (Active or idle)

we can query the available GPU with nvenc hardware like this:

     cuResult = cuInit(0);

if (cuResult != CUDA_SUCCESS)
    printf(">> GetNumberEncoders() - cuInit() failed error:0x%x\n", cuResult);


if (deviceCount == 0)
    printf(">> GetNumberEncoders() - reports no devices available that support CUDA\n");
    printf(">> GetNumberEncoders() has detected %d CUDA capable GPU device(s) <<\n", deviceCount);

    for (int currentDevice=0; currentDevice < deviceCount; currentDevice++)
        checkCudaErrors(cuDeviceGet(&cuDevice, currentDevice));
        checkCudaErrors(cuDeviceGetName(gpu_name, 100, cuDevice));
        checkCudaErrors(cuDeviceComputeCapability(&SMmajor, &SMminor, currentDevice));
        printf("  [ GPU #%d - < %s > has Compute SM %d.%d, NVENC %s ]\n",
               currentDevice, gpu_name, SMmajor, SMminor,
               (((SMmajor << 4) + SMminor) >= 0x30) ? "Available" : "Not Available");

        if (((SMmajor << 4) + SMminor) >= 0x30)
            encoderInfo[NVENC_devices].device = currentDevice;
            strcpy(encoderInfo[NVENC_devices].gpu_name, gpu_name);

I have 8 GPU whit NVENC capability:

How can we check that specific NVENC hardware is now running or Idle. Is there any way to monitoring NVENC hardware ?

What about specific NVENC API function "OR" CUDA Driver or API functions that help me to find out which GPU or NVENC hardware is Idle?

NOTE: I know that CUDA and NVENC hardware are completely separate things but I am looking for Direct or Indirect (using Cuda API like using Cuda for specifying the available NVENC hardware) way for checking specific NVENC's status ???


  • you can monitor your NVENC hardware is Active or not in a indirect way using this command


    to see specific NVENC hardware is busy or idle, because when you want to use specific NVENC you should create a cuda thread on that GPU first, and use its memory too, so by checking the status of the GPU we can extend it to its NVENC hardware.