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Why does this provide me with a stack overflow error?

The following code yields a stack overflow error, can someone tell me why? (I know how to fix the error, if I reference 'super' instead of 'this' in the add method, but I am not sure why that works.)

package subclassingVector;

import java.util.Vector;

public class MyVectorSubclass extends Vector<MyModelClass> {

    public MyVectorSubclass(){
        MyModelClass m = new MyModelClass();
        System.out.println("contains is true");

    public boolean add(MyModelClass o){
            return true;

    public boolean contains(Object o){
            for(subclassingVector.MyModelClass mmc: this){
                if(mmc.equals((MyModelClass) o)){
                    return true;

        return false;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String s = new String("SSEE");
        MyVectorSubclass m = new MyVectorSubclass();


    public class MyModelClass {

        private Integer id = null;

        public MyModelClass() {
            // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

        public Integer getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(Integer id) {
   = id;




  • This code calls itself, forever, hence the StackOverflowError:

    public boolean add(MyModelClass o){
        return true;

    The this represents the instance of the object that the current method is being called on. In fact, the above code, in this context, is precisely the same as:

    public boolean add(MyModelClass o){
        return true;

    This code does something entirely different:

    public boolean add(MyModelClass o){
        return true;

    That doesn't make a recursive call. That simply calls the implementation of add() in the base class.

    Cory Kendall's comment on the question is very valuable:

    If you get a StackOverflowError, looking at the stack trace of the Error should be informative; walk through the logic using the given line numbers.

    The stack traces of an exception can give you a lot of useful information about the origin of the problem. In this case, the stack trace would clearly show that MyVectorSubClass.add() is repeatedly calling itself in the case of this.add(o).

    I suggest taking a look at: