The company I work for provides bulk-mailing functionality to our clients [double opt-in, not spam, I promise] and we get a figurative ton of reports back via Feedback Loops from AOL, Comcast, Yahoo, etc. These are generally from people that signed up, don't want it anymore, have been conditioned to not click 'Unsubscribe' links, [because "that's how the spammers get you"] and simply mark all the messages as spam.
Now, these FBL emails follow a specific format where the message is multipart, there are one or two text parts, and then the original message is attached, usually with all recipient information stripped out. This attached email is also multipart and contains the unsubscribe link, but the section in the attached email the link occurs in is quoted-printable encoded and the link is longer than what quoted-printable allows for in a line, so it get munged. Occasionally the section seems to get base64-encoded, I think it happens if the client is using a fancy language like chinese/japanese/etc.
What I need is a mime/multipart data parser that can give me these parts. PHP has oh so helpfully not implemented any form of multipart parser that I can find outside of what's internal to either their horrid IMAP functions, or internal to PHP itself which processes multipart form data.
Does anyone know of something I can use for this short of having to write my own? I had found one script, but it relies on old PECL functionality that relies on a custom-compilation of PHP which is not an option for this server.
TL;DR: PHP's imap_* functions will parse the parts of the message received from the server, but I need to parse the parts of an email attached to the email downloaded from the server.
This guy's script is ugly as sin, but it gets the job done: