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cobertura on maven multi module project

I have a Maven project with 4 modules - 3 of them contain code and some tests (testing equals and hashcode of the classes) whereas the 4th module is for testing the 3 other modules.

Now I want to run the cobertura code coverage tool to get an overview which classes are well tested and which are not. I did some investigations on that topic and it seems that cobertura is not aware of generating the right code coverage percentages and line coverages, if some sources which are tested are located within other modules.

I have read over some links like SeamTestCoverageWithCobertura and Using the plugin Coverage within a multi-module Maven 2 but there has to be an out of the box solution. Can anybody report some new directions on this topic? Or are there bether tools like cobertura? I've stumbled upon emma but this tool does not offer line coverage...


  • As of version 2.6, there is an aggregate option that can be set to true in the parent pom:
