PyScripter is easily the best IDE I have come across for interactive work - especially with its ability to connect to remote engines.
It allows me to open multiple instances of pyscripter, each is tied to a different version (I have 3.3, 2.7 64 bit and 32 bit on my machine).
Question: Can I open multiple instances of pyscripter tied to 2.7 64 bit? Would help m enormously as I have huge amounts of ram and could easily work on two or three projects at a time.
Going to the command prompt and requesting PyScripter -N gives me a new instance as suggested at
, but it seems to default to 3.3 - but does open multiple instances of 3.3. I am not to familiar with how PyScripter picks out which version of python to tie to. Any help is most appreciated!
Update: Removing 3.3. seems to get me the multiple instances of 2.7 - but would want to have a solution that allows me to have 3.3 installed.
I tried adding --python27 -N and I was able to start up two instances of PyScripter. I then ran --python26 -N, and started a 3rd instance of PyScripter that ran Python26.
...\PyScripter.exe --PYTHON27 -N
...\PyScripter.exe --PYTHON27 -N
...\PyScripter.exe --PYTHON26 -N
Hope this works for you.