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How to get all class properties (in Python) of a GAE polymodel including those defined via @property

I am using the Google App Engine polymodel to model data that can have more than one instance of a property - e.g. a contact could have multiple phone numbers. Say this is my setup:

class Foo(polymodel.PolyModel):
    some_prop = ndb.StringProperty()

    def bar(self):
        return Bar.query( == self.key)

class Bar(ndb.Model):
    foo = ndb.KeyProperty(kind = Foo)
    other_prop= ndb.StringProperty()

(I got this approach after reading this GAE article on data modeling:

Now when I do:


I only get access to the following:

{'some_prop': StringProperty('some_prop'), 
 'class': _ClassKeyProperty('class', repeated=True)}

Is there any way to access to ALL properties, including those defined with "@property"?

Many thanks for any help or or insight on where I'm going wrong. - Lee

UPDATE: Based on @FastTurle's great answer, I've now added a class method that returns both class properties as well as methods tagged as properties via @property:

def props(self):
    return dict(self._properties.items() +  \
                   {attr_name:getattr(self,attr_name) for \
                    attr_name, attr_value in \
                    Foo.__dict__.iteritems() if \


  • Performing Foo._properties should get you access to any attributes you define on your polymodel.PolyModel that inherit from google.appengine.ext.db.Property.

    This means that KeyProperty, StringProperty, etc... will show up in Foo._properties, so I'm assuming you now need to find all the methods decorated by property.

    Fortunately, this isn't that hard. First, a quick sidetrack into decorators (forgive me if you know this already).

    In python decorators are just syntactic sugar. For example, these two methods result in the same thing:

    def bar(self):
    def bar(self):
    bar = property(bar)

    Fortunately for us, property(obj) returns a new property object. This also means that @property returns a property object as well. You can kind of think of property as a class! And finally can use isinstance(bar, property) to see if bar is a property.

    Finally, we can put this into use by examining each of Foo's attributes and selecting only those that are property instances.

    for attr_name, attr_value in Foo.__dict__.iteritems():
        if isinstance(attr_value, property):
            print attr_name, attr_value
    # bar, <property object at ...>