I need to calculate the arcsine function of small values that are under the form of mpmath's "mpf" floating-point bignums.
What I call a "small" value is for example e/4/(10**7) = 0.000000067957045711476130884...
Here is a result of a test on my machine with mpmath's built-in asin function:
import gmpy2
from mpmath import *
from time import time
mp.dps = 10**6
print "ready"
print "mpmath asin: "+str(time()-start)+" seconds"
>>> 155.108999968 seconds
This is a particular case: I work with somewhat small numbers, so I'm asking myself if there is a way to calculate it in python that actually beats mpmath for this particular case (= for small values).
Taylor series are actually a good choice here because they converge very fast for small arguments. But I still need to accelerate the calculations further somehow.
Actually there are some problems:
1) Binary splitting is ineffective here because it shines only when you can write the argument as a small fraction. A full-precision float is given here.
2) arcsin is a non-alternating series, thus Van Wijngaarden or sumalt transformations are ineffective too (unless there is a way I'm not aware of to generalize them to non-alternating series).
The only acceleration left I can think of is Chebyshev polynomials. Can Chebyshev polynomials be applied on the arcsin function? How to?
Actually binary splitting does work very well, if combined with iterated argument reduction to balance the number of terms against the size of the numerators and denominators (this is known as the bit-burst algorithm).
Here is a binary splitting implementation for mpmath based on repeated application of the formula atan(t) = atan(p/2^q) + atan((t*2^q-p) / (2^q+p*t)). This formula was suggested recently by Richard Brent (in fact mpmath's atan already uses a single invocation of this formula at low precision, in order to look up atan(p/2^q) from a cache). If I remember correctly, MPFR also uses the bit-burst algorithm to evaluate atan, but it uses a slightly different formula, which possibly is more efficient (instead of evaluating several different arctangent values, it does analytic continuation using the arctangent differential equation).
from mpmath.libmp import MPZ, bitcount
from mpmath import mp
def bsplit(p, q, a, b):
if b - a == 1:
if a == 0:
P = p
Q = q
P = p * p
Q = q * 2
B = MPZ(1 + 2 * a)
if a % 2 == 1:
B = -B
T = P
return P, Q, B, T
m = a + (b - a) // 2
P1, Q1, B1, T1 = bsplit(p, q, a, m)
P2, Q2, B2, T2 = bsplit(p, q, m, b)
T = ((T1 * B2) << Q2) + T2 * B1 * P1
P = P1 * P2
B = B1 * B2
Q = Q1 + Q2
return P, Q, B, T
def atan_bsplit(p, q, prec):
"""computes atan(p/2^q) as a fixed-point number"""
if p == 0:
return MPZ(0)
nterms = (-prec / (bitcount(p) - q) - 1) * 0.5
nterms = int(nterms) + 1
if nterms < 1:
return MPZ(0)
P, Q, B, T = bsplit(p, q, 0, nterms)
if prec >= Q:
return (T << (prec - Q)) // B
return T // (B << (Q - prec))
def atan_fixed(x, prec):
t = MPZ(x)
s = MPZ(0)
q = 1
while t:
q = min(q, prec)
p = t >> (prec - q)
if p:
s += atan_bsplit(p, q, prec)
u = (t << q) - (p << prec)
v = (MPZ(1) << (q + prec)) + p * t
t = (u << prec) // v
q *= 2
return s
def atan1(x):
prec = mp.prec
man = x.to_fixed(prec)
return mp.mpf((atan_fixed(man, prec), -prec))
def asin1(x):
x = mpf(x)
return atan1(x/sqrt(1-x**2))
With this code, I get:
>>> from mpmath import *
>>> mp.dps = 1000000
>>> val=e/4/(10**7)
>>> from time import time
>>> start = time(); y1 = asin(x); print time() - start
>>> start = time(); y2 = asin1(x); print time() - start
>>> nprint(y2 - y1)
Warning: atan1 assumes 0 <= x < 1/2, and the determination of the number of terms might not be optimal or correct (fixing these issues is left as an exercise to the reader).