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Inserting a dynamically built 'for xml' statement into a table or variable

I've got a situation where I'm trying to get a list of unfilled fields from a temp table into a comma separated statement.

So given the example data (which will always be a single row, and probably in a temp table (as the actual data will come from a multitude of source tables)):

Field1     Field2   Field3   Field4
'aaa'      null      ''      null

And the mapping table of

FieldName    Question   Section
'Field1'     'Q1'       'Sec1'
'Field2'     'Q2'       'Sec1'
'Field3'     'Q3'       'Sec2'
'Field4'     'Q4'       'Sec2'

I would like the following result:

Section   UnansweredQs
'Sec1'    'Q2'
'Sec2'    'Q3, Q4'

I've got as far as the comma separated list of questions by doing:

create table #testData (f1 varchar(50), f2 int, f3 varchar(50), f4 varchar(50))
create table #qlist (fieldName varchar(5), question varchar(3), section varchar(5))

insert into #qlist values ('f1', 'q1', 'sec1'), ('f2', 'q2', 'sec1'), ('f3', 'q3', 'sec2'), ('f4', 'q4', 'sec2')

insert into #testData values ('asda', null, '', null)


declare @usql nvarchar(max) = ''
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @xml xml

--build a gargantuan set of union statements, comparing the column value to null/'' and putting q# if it is
set @usql = 
    select 'select case when ' + + ' is null or ' + c.Name + ' = '''' then ''' + q.question + ', '' else '''' end from #testData union '
    from tempdb..syscolumns c
    inner join #qlist q
        on = q.fieldName
    where = object_id('tempdb..#testData') 
    for xml path('')
--remove the last 'union', append for xml path to pivot the rows into a single column of concatenated rows
set @usql = left(@usql, len(@usql) - 6) + ' for xml path('''')'

print @usql

--remove final comma
--get the position of the last comma in the select statment (ie after the final unanswered question)
declare @lastComma int = charindex(',', reverse(@usql))
--add the bit before the last comma, and the bit after the last comma but skip the actual comma :)
set @usql = left(@usql, len(@usql) - @lastComma) + right(@usql, @lastComma - 2)

exec (@usql)

With this I get

q2, q3, q4

But I can't get that result set into another table or variable (via insert into #tmpresult exec (@usql) approach).

Usually with the Msg 1086, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 The FOR XML clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries when they contain a set operator. To work around, wrap the SELECT containing a set operator using derived table syntax and apply FOR XML on top of it. error.

I've tried various things, wrapping, removing the unions, CTE's but can't get it to work.


  • I have a query for you:

    with cte as (
        from Table1
            cross apply (values
               ('Field1', Field1),
               ('Field2', Field2),
               ('Field3', Field3),
               ('Field4', Field4)
            ) as N(Name,Value)
        where N.Value is null or N.Value = ''
    select distinct
                select ', ' + TT.Question
                from Table2 as TT
                    inner join cte as c on c.Name = TT.FieldName
                where TT.Section = T2.Section
                for xml path(''), type
            ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
        , 1, 2, '') as UnansweredQs
    from Table2 as T2

    you can turn it into dynamic by yourself :)

    sql fiddle demo