I thinks there is a problem of controller:didChangeObject:atIndexPath:forChangeType:newIndexPath:
, specifically for NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate
: It does not tell you what change causes this NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate
I have a very complex entity. Only a part of its data is are used to populate my table view cells. I don't want to update my cells for any irrelevant property changes — it is a waste of resources. So how can I know which property change causes this NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate
so that I can avoid updating my table view cells if it is irrelevant?
NSManagedObject have two methods for that. First returns a dictionary with the keys and (new) values that have been changed since last fetching or saving the object (this is implemented efficiently without firing relationship faults)
- (NSDictionary *)changedValues;
- (NSDictionary *)changedValuesForCurrentEvent NS_AVAILABLE(10_7, 5_0);
You call their on NSFetchedResultsChangeUpdate notification by NSFetchedResultsController