I am trying to get a link for each photoset. It should look like this:
[:p (link-to (str "/album?photosetid="photosetid) photoset-name)
In the following code I get a map of all photoset ids and names:
(def ids (map #(str "/album?photosetid=" %1) photoset-id))
(def names (map #(str %1) photoset-name))
After that i try to create the links:
(loop [x (count ids)]
(when (> x 0)
[:p (link-to (nth ids x "") name) (nth names x "")]
(recur (- x 1))
The problem is that I don't get any output.
Thanks for any help!
(map #(vector :p (link-to (str "/album?photosetid=" %1) %2)) ids names)