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How to fix 2 decimal points in ActionScript 2

How can I fix a number value to 2 decimal points in ActionScript 2?

ActionScript 3's toFixed() doesn't work for me.


1 => 1.00


  • It turns out it can be achieved with this function:

    //format a number into specified number of decimals
    function formatDecimals(num, digits) {
        //if no decimal places needed, we're done
        if (digits <= 0) {
            return Math.round(num);
        //round the number to specified decimals
        var tenToPower = Math.pow(10, digits);
        var cropped = String(Math.round(num * tenToPower) / tenToPower);
        //add decimal point if missing
        if (cropped.indexOf(".") == -1) {
            cropped += ".0";
        //finally, force correct number of zeroes; add some if necessary
        var halves = cropped.split("."); //grab numbers to the right of the decimal
        //compare digits in right half of string to digits wanted
        var zerosNeeded = digits - halves[1].length; //number of zeros to add
        for (var i=1; i <= zerosNeeded; i++) {
            cropped += "0";