I've only fsockopen on my server to use. I mean I can't use cURL or file_get_contents. I'm using PHP by the way
I want to have a skype user name validation, so I found this link from an other topic:
This page responses as valid or invalid username as JSON output: {"status":200,"status_text":"valid","data":{"markup":"","alternatives":false,"fieldDetails":""}}
It says valid, so this username is not exist. I may parse this data to see whether it's correct.
My question is, How can i get this https page content with fsockopen, I can open the socket I try to read data but i failed too many times with many snippets that I got from forums. Because I've no idea about how to do it, even if you can't write the code please tell me or show me a way to do it?
Basicly, how to return the skype id status with fsockopen in PHP, I'll be glad to get comments, thanks in advance guys.
If you have openssl in your php, you should be able to prefix the hostname or ip with 'ssl://'
or 'tls://'
with a proper port number and php should handle the rest. So simply like this:
fsockopen('ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr);
and use the returned resource as usual. I myself use the function bellow when no curl available (code salvaged from php.net comment and massaged a little). call it like
not_curl_get('login.skype.com/json/validator?new_username=foo', 'ssl://', 443)
The function itself:
function not_curl_get($url, $protocol = '', $port = 80, $options = array()) {
$options = array_merge(array(
'follow_location' => true,
'return_response_part' => 'body',
'referer' => false,
'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; hu; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
'cookie_file' => false,
'request_type' => 'get',
), $options);
$url = str_replace("http://","",$url);
if (preg_match("#/#","$url")){
$page = $url;
$url = @explode("/",$url);
$url = $url[0];
$page = str_replace($url,"",$page);
if (!$page || $page == ""){
$page = "/";
$ip = gethostbyname($url);
$ip = gethostbyname($url);
$page = "/";
$open = fsockopen($protocol.$ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, 60);
if ($options['request_type'] === 'post'){
$send = "POST $page HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$send = "GET $page HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$send .= "Host: $url\r\n";
if ($options['referer']){
$send .= "Referer: ".$options['referer']."\r\n";
if ($options['cookie_file']){
if (@file_exists($options['cookie_file'])){
$cookie = urldecode(@file_get_contents($options['cookie_file']));
if ($cookie){
$send .= "Cookie: $cookie\r\n";
$add = @fopen($options['cookie_file'],'w');
$send .= "Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50\r\n";
if ($options['user_agent']){
$send .= "User-Agent: ".$options['user_agent']."\r\n";
if ($options['request_type']){
$send .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$send .= "Content-Length: " .strlen($options['request_type']) ."\r\n\r\n";
$send .= $options['request_type'];
$send .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
fputs($open, $send);
$return = '';
while (!feof($open)) {
$return .= fgets($open, 4096);
$return = @explode("\r\n\r\n",$return,2);
$header = $return[0];
if ($options['cookie_file']){
if (preg_match("/Set\-Cookie\: /i","$header")){
$cookie = @explode("Set-Cookie: ",$header,2);
$cookie = $cookie[1];
$cookie = explode("\r",$cookie);
$cookie = $cookie[0];
$cookie = str_replace("path=/","",$cookie[0]);
$add = @fopen($options['cookie_file'],'a');
$header = "$_NOT_CURL_GET_OLDHEADER<br /><br />\n$header";
if ($return[1]){
$body = $return[1];
$body = "";
if ($options['return_response_part'] === 'body'){
$return = $body;
if ($options['return_response_part'] === 'head'){
$return = $header;
if ($options['return_response_part'] === 'all'){
$return = "$header$body";
if ($options['follow_location']){
if (preg_match("/Location\:/","$header")){
$url = @explode("Location: ",$header);
$url = $url[1];
$url = @explode("\r",$url);
$url = $url[0];
$_NOT_CURL_GET_OLDHEADER = str_replace("\r\n\r\n","",$header);
$l = "Location:";
$_NOT_CURL_GET_OLDHEADER = str_replace("Location:",$l,$_NOT_CURL_GET_OLDHEADER);
return not_curl_get($url, $protocol, $port, $options);
return $return;
return $return;