Search code examples MessageBox not fired immediately in loop statements

To get the Confirmation from user, I am using the Confirmation Message Box i.e MessageBox to Confirm the Decision of the User using the ButtonConfig, as like below.

private void checkThePolicies()

  foreach (int policyId in PoliciesDeleted)
                    X.Msg.Confirm( "User Policy", "Do you want to Delete the Policy", new MessageBoxButtonsConfig
                        Yes = new MessageBoxButtonConfig

                            Handler = "#{DirectMethods}.fnSaveTimeOffTypeInAllowance()",
                            Text = "Yes"
                        No = new MessageBoxButtonConfig
                            Text = "No"


But this message box is showing Only once for Entire loop at last when it's execution is leaving form that Method.

Why this happens? I want to execute the Handler for every Loop by confirming the Decision.


  • X.Msg.Confifm().Show();

    just generates JavaScript to be executed when a browser gets a response from server.

    It doesn't send a request to a browser immediately.