I have a web-service:
public class RegistrationService implements Serializable {
private DeviceService deviceService;
@Path( "/register/{device}" )
@Consumes( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
@Produces( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
public String device(@PathParam("device") String device) {
return "Succesful!";
And I have a restlet:
public void sendRegistration() {
ClientResource resource = new ClientResource(REG_URL);
... (?)
So the current URL will be something like http:// host:port/application/ws/register/pathParam
How can I do the PUT-call to the web-service? There are methods to add queryParams and I could do addSegment to append the ID to the path, but somehow I need to do the PUT then.
Due to unfortunately not getting to work (maybe because of too little knowledge about/understanding of the API and processing) the suggestion by @Caleryn, I made some similar solution to https://stackoverflow.com/a/735090/1343241
public class RegistrationService implements Serializable {
private DeviceService deviceService;
@Path( "/register" )
@Produces( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN )
public String device(@FormParam("regId") String regId) {
return "Succesful!";
And in the restlet:
Form queryParams = resource.getReference().getQueryAsForm();
queryParams.set("regId", regId);