I'm confused about assigning the base object of a derived class. Say I have a type:
class Base {
// stuff omitted for brevity
and a derived class
Derived : public Base {
// stuff omitted
and I have a situation that arises like this:
Derived = Base;
Is this possible? What is this operation called? How would I do such a thing?
Thanks for your help.
This is a perfectly ordinary user-defined assignment that looks enough like "slicing", treating a base class as if it were a member, to confuse the unwary. But it's not slicing. For the situation you have, the two classes might as well not be related, and you define the assignment that way.
struct d : b {
d &operator=(const b &b_) { /*do the work here*/; return *this; }
You might be able to use the base class's copy-assignment operator, or you might not:
struct dx : b {
dx &operator=(const b &b_)
// more work
return *this;
but the compiler gives this no special treatment, it's the same as any function call.