When reading my RSS feed with the Thunderbird feed reader, some entries are duplicated. Google Reader does not have the same problem.
Here is the faulty feed: http://plcoder.net/rss.php?rss=Blog
There is a problem, but where?
I added a GUID, but the problem remains. Other feeds do not duplicate like mine, so I will do rework on this module and replace this old good code.
Conclusion: I completely reworked the RSS generator code, and it's OK. I think I was using a very old version of RDF.
Try adding a <guid>
tag to each item, giving it a permalink. i.e.:
<item rdf:about="http://plcoder.net/?doc=2134&amp;titre=mon-pc-se-la-pete">
Without a GUID, if any of the content in the post changes, your RSS aggregator might think that it is a new post. With the GUID, even if the content of that item changes, your RSS aggregator should just update the post, instead of treating it as a new item.