So I'm trying to load a bit of test data in BootStrap.groovy, and I'm having trouble creating an object that has a one-many FK relationship...
These are the domain classes (examples):
class Book {
static hasOne = BookCategory
String name
class BookCategory {
static belongsTo = Book
static hasMany = [books : Book]
String name
and in Bootstrap.groovy:
def romanceCat = new BookCategory(name: 'Romance').save(flush: true)
def horrorCat = new BookCategory(name: 'Horror').save(flush: true)
def firstBook = new Book(name: 'Kujo', category_id: horrorCat).save(flush: true)
The Categories are being created in postgres, but the book is not. I suspect I don't have the correct syntax for referencing the FK in my new Book(), but I can't seem to find a similar example and have tried several variations. ie. BookCategory: horrorCat, horrorCat, etc.
You need to define the name of your BookCategory
attribute in Book
class Book {
static hasOne = [bookCategory:BookCategory]
And your Bootstrap should be:
def romanceCat = new BookCategory(name: 'Romance').save(flush: true)
def horrorCat = new BookCategory(name: 'Horror').save(flush: true)
def firstBook = new Book(name: 'Kujo', bookCategory: horrorCat).save(flush: true)