For our application we need to implement trigger using hibernate. One best solution we could come to was Entity listerner using Annotation, as we need to listen to a particular entity change.
Every thing works well except delete with named queries, which gives no event.
Code Implementation ** Entity** -here we added the listener
public class Employee {
private String uid;
private Calendar lastUpdated;
Entity listener -
Listener is takes up the entity modified asd performs the intended operation
public class EmployeeEventListener {
public void prePersist(Object object) {
Employee employee = (Employee)object;
public void postUpdate(Object object) {
Employee employee = (Employee)object;
and @PostUpdate
worked well when I used save or saveorupdate on entity manager. But when executing delete named query, I get no event for @PreRemove
and @PostRemove
I would also like to get an event for delete as well.
This is not possible: The Interceptor interface provides callbacks from the session to the application
and object deleted via native SQL doesn't pass to session, so callback won't run