Would you please give me some guidance on how to style one character in a string at specific index? the index of this string comes from an array and in some cases the array is empty, so I only need to style the character in the string if the array is not empty
$indices = array(74, 266);
so how do I add a surround the character at the index 74 and 266 with a span so I can give it a different style?
my data is coming from the database so I need to make it dynamic.
It's fairly easy: all you need is a few substr
s in a loop and to keep track of the character count.
Here's a working code I made:
// zero-based indices
$indices = array(3, 10, 25);
// input
$in = 'abcDefghijKlmnopqrstuvwxyZ';
$openTag = '<b>';
$closeTag = '</b>';
$out = '';
$last = 0;
foreach($indices as $i) {
$fragment = substr($in, $last, $i-$last);
$letter = substr($in, $i, 1);
$last = $i+1;
$out .= $fragment . $openTag . $letter . $closeTag;
$out .= substr($in, $last);
// output
echo $out;
For this example, $out
is abc<b>D</b>efghij<b>K</b>lmnopqrstuvwxy<b>Z</b>
For convenience, here's it also as a function:
function highlightChars($text, $indices, $openTag, $closeTag) {
$out = '';
$last = 0;
foreach($indices as $i) {
$fragment = substr($text, $last, $i-$last);
$letter = substr($text, $i, 1);
$last = $i+1;
$out .= $fragment . $openTag . $letter . $closeTag;
$out .= substr($text, $last);
return $out;