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How to configure pub sub for multiple subscribers with Rhino Service Bus?

I am trying to set up pub-sub between 1 publisher and multiple subscribers using Rhino Service Bus. However, all I ever seem to get is competing consumers (where messges are distributed between 1 consumer or the other, but not sent to both).

My current publisher configuration looks like this (Note: I'm using the new OnewayRhinoServiceBusFacility so I don't need to define a bus element in the sender)

<facility id="rhino.esb.sender" >
            <add name="My.Messages.Namespace" endpoint="msmq://localhost/my.queue"/>

My current subscriber configuration looks like this:

<facility id="rhino.esb.receiver" >
    <bus threadCount="1" numberOfRetries="5" endpoint="msmq://localhost/my.queue" DisableAutoQueueCreation="false" />
        <add name="My.Messages.Namespace" endpoint="msmq://localhost/my.queue" />

I have 2 simple command line apps which start up publisher and subscriber. I just copy and paste subscriber bin to set up 2 subscribers. My message handler looks like this:

public class DummyReceiver : ConsumerOf<MyMessageType>
    public void Consume(MyMessageType message)
                    // ......

Any ideas? Cheers


  • Doh! Was using Send instead of Publish in my producer code. Had copied it from another example and forgot to change.

    So, for reference my publisher code is like this:

    var container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter("RhinoEsbSettings.xml"));
    RhinoServiceBusFacility facility = new RhinoServiceBusFacility();
    container.Kernel.AddFacility("rhino.esb", facility);
    var bus = container.Resolve<IStartableServiceBus>();
    MyMessageType msg = new ...

    And my consumer startup code is like this:

    var container = new WindsorContainer(new XmlInterpreter("RhinoEsbSettings.xml"));
    RhinoServiceBusFacility facility = new RhinoServiceBusFacility();
    container.Kernel.AddFacility("rhino.esb", facility);
    var bus = container.Resolve<IStartableServiceBus>();