I have an issue with Google Maps SDK v1.3.0 - When adding 300+ markers the map becomes unusable - impossible to zoom, pan and rotate without a 1-2 second delay and jitter.
Is this a known issue? Have other people experienced this also?
This is really causing major issues for our upcoming release and would be great to get a date for when this could possibly be fixed as we invested large chunk of time switching from Apple maps due to excessive memory usage iOS6 MKMapView using a ton of memory, to the point of crashing the app, anyone else notice this?
[EDIT] I find this issue happens even after 100+ markers, and using the Google Map SDK sample apps the issue also arises.
This is now fixed in the latest version - Version 1.4.1 - August 2013. See the resolved issues of the release notes: Performance improvements when using hundreds of GMSMarkers.