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#if (DEBUG) is not working in the customized base class libraries

I create a Windows application in VS 2010 C#. It is a web crawler application and using the N tier application structure (One Windows application and many class libraries in this project). Last week i implement a Log system in all projects for creating log text for solve performance issues. But now i want to disable this log functions in Release Mode.

I googled and get a example from CodeProject. Please see my code below.

public class ModeDetector
    public virtual bool IsDebug
            bool isDebug = false;

            #if (DEBUG)
            isDebug = true;
            isDebug = false;

            return isDebug;

    public bool IsRelease
        get { return !IsDebug; }

I create this class in my base class library. for get this class for all reference projects. I call this method in my Windows application. like

if (new Sun.lib.ModeDetector().IsDebug)
            MessageBox.Show("Debug Mode");
            MessageBox.Show("Release Mode");

and change my project Build Configuration to " Release " . But this code is always shows the " Debug Mode " message. But when i create this class in my windows application it's works fine. But i am too worry about to create this class in every project.

Please advise me what is the best practices to determine a project(s) is work debug or release mode. How can i use this class in entire project.

Edits :

I refer the class library in the Debug bug folder of class library project.

my class libraries and win forms applications are lie on the same solutions.


  • Thank you Marcus. I follow your instruction and rewrite my code like:

    #if (DEBUG) 
        MessageBox.Show("Debug Mode");
        MessageBox.Show("Release Mode");