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Jquery UI slider options object

I am attempting to use the jQuery UI slider in a project. I have a need to create sliders with different options and I am attempting to use the option method.

I have done the following:


<div class="slider" data-a-orientation="vertical"></div>

I am placing the slider options as data attributes in HTML and then retrieving them with jQuery


init : function(element)
            this.elem = element;
            this.$elem = $(element);
            // target element
            this.slider_target = this.$elem.find('.slider');
         * Get all the data-attr from the .slider target element    
         * if there is any
         * loop over all and create an object of options. Note all our data attr 
         * are -a- separated. 
        var slider_opt_obj = {};
        $.each(, function(key, val){
            // note ! ~ each of the data attributes are : data-a-attribute_title 
            // we need to remove a .. the - character is already removed
            // this was added to stop any overwriting by the jQuery ui plugin
            var key_lwr = key.toLowerCase();
            slider_opt_obj[key_lwr.slice(1)] = val;
        // create the sliders
        this.sliderCreate( this.slider_target, slider_opt_obj);
    sliderCreate : function(target, options)
        var self = this;
        if( !self.objectEmpty(options) ) {
            // does not work throws error
            target.slider("option", options);
        } else  {
            // no options

This line

target.slider("option", options);

is causing the following error

Error: cannot call methods on slider prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'

According to the jQuery ui docs the method option does accept a object .. what am I missing here ?

Also jsFiddle


  • You can't call .slider("option", options) before the slider is created. Just create the slider with your options object as the parameter:
