What is the most succinct way of removing the last element in a Rebol series?
Options I have found so far are
s: "abc"
head remove back tail s
s: "abc"
take/last s
Here I wrote a REMOVE-LAST function,
remove-last: func [
"Removes value(s) from tail of a series."
series [series! port! bitset! none!]
/part range [number!] "Removes to a given length."
] [
either part [
clear skip tail series negate range
] [
remove back tail series
Example use:
b: [a b c d e f g]
remove-last b ;== [], 'g removed, tail of the series return.
head remove-last/part b 2 ;== [a b c d], 'e and 'f removed
It returns the tail of the series to be able to use in following situation;
b: [a b c d e f g]
head insert remove-last b 'x ;== [a b c d e f x]