I'm trying to send hexadecimal data to connected USB HID device from my Nexus 7, but Android SDK method can work only with byte[] buffer.
How can I send hexadeсimal data that originates as decimal String values with bulkTransfer or controlTransfer?
message[0]= 0;
message[1]= 166;
message[2]= 2;
message[3]= 252;
message[4]= 255;
SDK Methods:
bulkTransfer(UsbEndpoint endpoint, byte[] buffer, int length, int timeout)
controlTransfer(int requestType, int request, int value, int index, byte[] buffer, int length, int timeout)
like this: http://pure-basic.narod.ru/article/pickit2.html, PC application with the device works good.
OutBuffer(1)=$A6 ; EXECUTE_SCRIPT
OutBuffer(3)=$FC ; _VDD_GND_OFF
OutBuffer(4)=$FF ; _VDD_ON
private void sendData() {
//byte b = (byte) 129; // (byte) 0x81 Also work
int status = connection.bulkTransfer(endPointWrite, toByte(129), 1, 250);
private static byte toByte(int c) {
return (byte) (c <= 0x7f ? c : ((c % 0x80) - 0x80));
// for received data from USB HID device
private static int toInt(byte b) {
return (int) b & 0xFF;
This depends on what the target of the message
buffer will be.
Since you are getting decimal values from a String you can use the Integer.parseInt
method with a radix of 10, then cast to a byte
byte message[] = new byte[] { (byte)java.lang.Integer.parseInt("0", 10),
(byte)java.lang.Integer.parseInt("166", 10),
(byte)java.lang.Integer.parseInt("2", 10),
(byte)java.lang.Integer.parseInt("252", 10),
(byte)java.lang.Integer.parseInt("255", 10)
If you simply want to send the data over the bulk pipe then you would send it as follows:
bulkTransfer(outEndpoint, message, message.length, 1000);
Control requests typically target some function on the USB device itself and is vendor defined. If you need to send the buffer as a control request you would send it as follows: