void HowToPutParameters( XXXXXX) // how to put parameters in XXXXXX
void main()
int array[2][2]={{1,2},{3,4}};
HowToPutParameters(&array[0][0]); // &array[0][0] is correct or &array[0]
// I wana put this array to HowToPutParameters;
// 1.I am not sure "&array[0][0] or &array[0]" are correct,The compiler seems identify;
// I've tried void HowToPutParameters(int *array ) ==> compile failed
// I've tried void HowToPutParameters(int *array[][] ) ==> compile failed
// My compiler is MPLAB X IDE V1.8 , Chip is Microchip>PIC32MX795F512
If you want use pass two dimensions array params,use:
void func(int (*a)[2]);// tell the function the first dimension size!
It is the same as:
void func(int a[][2]);
If you pass &array[0][0]
, it means you pass a pointer point to a int.
void func(int *element);