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neomodel: how to share index across StructuredNode Objects

how is it possible in neomodel to share a unique index across node objects, without instantiating separate objects to just hold the indexed data? I'd like to find the object based on a index query, e.g like this:

mynode = BaseObject.index.get(uid=uid_of_Type1Object)
# mynode is now of type `Type1Object`


class BaseObject(StructuredNode):
    uid = StringProperty(unique_index=True)

class Type1Object(BaseObject):
    def assign_uid(self, guid):
        # I may need tweaking of uid generator
        # on subclass level
        self.uid = guid

class Type2Object(BaseObject):
    def assign_uid(self, guid):
        self.uid = guid


  • In it was added support for custom index on StructuredNode subclasess

    class BaseObject(StructuredNode):
        __index__ = 'MyBaseIndex'
        uid = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
    class Type1Object(BaseObject):
        __index__ = 'MyBaseIndex'
        def assign_uid(self, guid):
            # I may need tweaking of uid generator
            # on subclass level
            self.uid = guid
    class Type2Object(BaseObject):
        __index__ = 'MyBaseIndex'
        def assign_uid(self, guid):
            self.uid = guid