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Memory Warning on the device, not with Instruments

I have a huge synchronization process in which I download and unzip 400-500 XML files and then parse it. With this data Im going to create a lot of core data objects over the RestKit API. At the beginning, I had a memory warning with live bytes of 450mb+ because I did not using autorelease pools and only tried to save core data on the end.

I fixed that, saving now frequently to core data and using @autoreleasepool blocks. When im running my app now with instruments, I can see how the live bytes only being 20mb-30mb, always releasing memory and never going to size up. The process just works. But when I start the app without instruments, after a view files I get a Memory Warning. Later on the app crashs.

What is the differene between running the app with and without the instruments tool? Why does it end in different results?


  • I'm adding this answer because I'm so happy that I came across this page.

    What @borrrden suggested is partially true. You can configure which Build settings it will use when you profile. To configure this, goto Xcode and open the Edit Scheme dialog and select in the left menu Profile You will see you can choose a Build Configuration (either Debug or Release).

    enter image description here

    What @hooleyhoop commented was more crucial to find the solution. Even if your Profile Build Configuration is set to Debug, there is still a difference between Profiling and a default Run from within Xcode. You can specify Diagnostics in the Run section. Right there, there is an option called Enable Zombie Objects under Memory Management. Make sure that this option is unchecked.

    enter image description here

    These diagnostic Run settings are not used while profiling. That is the explanation for the behavior you are experiencing. There isn't a Diagnostics tab on the Profile section as well.

    The result is that my game (Gump) crashed after 5 minutes of doing nothing in the main menu with Zombie Objects enabled. Once I disabled Zombie Objects, my game runs as far as I know for an infinite amount of time. After 45 minutes, still no Memory Warnings.