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Weblogic: Mixed Windows and Linux Domain

The project I am currently working on has a mix of legacy software and new development. The new dev work is being done on Linux and we have created a large domain on the Linux side. However, all of the legacy software must remain on Windows...

I haven't found any documentation indicating a mixed domain is possible although I can't see why the node managers or servers would have a problem communicating.

Can I add a Windows managed server to my Linux domain? Has anyone ever tried this? I can leave the domains separate if need be (although management won't be happy) but I was tasked with consolidating everything into a single domain.

If you don't have an exact answer, any links to documentation would be appreciated.


  • We've got this up and running... it wasn't all that bad. Here's what we did:

    Create a domain on Linux (NFS)

    Add Weblogic .cmd start/stop scripts into <domain home>/bin folder

    On Windows side:

    • Create a symlink under C: to the NFS domain location
      • mklink /D folder_name \\OUR-NFS01\path\to\domain
    • Update and to use the symlink path
    • Update to use our startManagedWebLogic.cmd for the start script
    • Update all of the .cmd files to reference the symlink path to the domain (e.g. DOMAIN_HOME)
    • Make sure in and .cmd files we reference the correct Windows JAVA_HOME location
    • Make sure any paths in the admin console (e.g. log file location) for the Windows managed server also reference the symlink path

    That was it. Once we had the Windows nodemanager up and running we were able to start a managed server on the Windows host.

    Side Note: We had issues using running the nodemanager as a Windows service when using mapped network drives. The service would not always see that mapped drive. That is why we chose to use a symlink instead (and it seems cleaner to me anyway).