I'm trying to learn Haskell with Learn You A Haskell... but I got impatient and wanted to implement a favorite algorithm of mine to see if I could.
I'm working on the tortoise/hare algorithm (Floyd's algorithm) for cycle detection.
Here's the code I have so far:
idx :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a
idx f tortoise hare
| (f tortoise) == (f (f hare)) = (f f hare)
| otherwise = (idx f) (f tortoise) (f f hare)
mu :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Integer -> (Integer, a)
mu f tortoise hare cntr
| (f tortoise) == (f hare) = (cntr+1, f tortoise)
| otherwise = (mu f) (f tortoise) (f hare) (cntr+1)
lam :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Integer -> Integer
lam f tortoise hare cntr
| tortoise == hare = cntr+1
| otherwise = (lam f) tortoise (f hare) (cntr+1)
floyd :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> (Integer, Integer)
floyd f x0 =
let z = (idx f) x0 x0
(y1, t) = (mu f) x0 z 0
y2 = (lam f) t (f t) 0
in (y1, y2)
tester :: (Integer a) => a -> a
tester a
| a == 0 = 2
| a == 2 = 6
| a == 6 = 1
| a == 1 = 3
| a == 3 = 6
| a == 4 = 0
| a == 5 = 1
| otherwise = error "Input must be between 0 and 6"
(floyd tester) 0
This tries to break the logic up into three steps. First get the index where f_idx == f_{2*idx}, then move from the start to get the parameter mu (distance from first element to start of the cycle), then move until you hit a repeat (length of the cycle).
The function floyd
is my hacky attempt to put these together.
Aside from this being somewhat un-functional, I am also having issues loading the module and I'm not sure why:
Prelude> :load M:\papers\programming\floyds.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( M:\papers\programming\floyds.hs, interpreted )
`Integer' is applied to too many type arguments
In the type signature for `tester': tester :: Integer a => a -> a
Failed, modules loaded: none.
Changing all occurrences of Integer
to Int
or Num
don't make it any better.
I'm not understanding the mis-application of Int
. Following along in the tutorial, most type declarations for functions always have the form
function_name :: (Some_Type a) => <stuff involving a and possibly other types>
But when I replace the (Eq a)
with (Num a)
or (Int a)
I get a similar error (type applied to too many arguments).
I tried reading this, but it disagrees with the tutorial's notation (e.g. almost every function defined in these examples).
I must be badly misunderstanding Types vs. TypeClasses, but that's precisely what I thought I did understand to lead me to make the type declarations as in my code above.
A follow up might be: what is the syntax for have multiple TypeClasses in the function type declaration? Something like:
mu :: (Eq a, Int b) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> b -> (b, a)
(but this also gave compile errors saying Int
was applied to too many arguments).
Cleaned up and with changes based on the answer, the code below appears to be working:
idx :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> a
idx f tortoise hare
| (f tortoise) == (f (f hare)) = (f (f hare))
| otherwise = (idx f) (f tortoise) (f (f hare))
mu :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Integer -> (Integer, a)
mu f tortoise hare cntr
| (f tortoise) == (f hare) = (cntr+1, (f tortoise))
| otherwise = (mu f) (f tortoise) (f hare) (cntr+1)
lam :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Integer -> Integer
lam f tortoise hare cntr
| tortoise == hare = cntr+1
| otherwise = (lam f) tortoise (f hare) (cntr+1)
floyd :: (Eq a) => (a -> a) -> a -> (Integer, Integer)
floyd f x0 =
let z = (idx f) x0 x0
(y1, t) = (mu f) x0 z 0
y2 = (lam f) t (f t) 0
in (y1, y2)
tester :: (Integral a) => a -> a
tester a
| a == 0 = 2
| a == 2 = 6
| a == 6 = 1
| a == 1 = 3
| a == 3 = 6
| a == 4 = 0
| a == 5 = 1
| otherwise = error "Input must be between 0 and 6"
Then I see
*Main> floyd tester 2
and given this test function (essentially like the one from the Wikipedia example), this makes sense. If you start a x0 = 2
then the sequence is 2 -> 6 -> 1 -> 3 -> 6...
, so mu
is 1 (you have to move in one element to hit the start of the sequence) and lam
is 3 (the sequence repeats every three entries).
I suppose there's some question about whether to always consider the first point as burn-in before you can possibly "repeat".
If anyone has advice on this, I'd be grateful. In particular, my cntr
construct seems un-functional to me.. it's a way of counting how many repeated calls are made. I'm not sure if there's a better/different way that's less like saving the state of a variable.
You can't say Integer a
or Int a
. You probably mean Integral a
. Integral
encompasses all types that are integers of some kind, including Integer
and Int
The thing before =>
is not a type but a type class. SomeTypeClass a => a
means "any type a
that is a member of the type class SomeTypeClass
You can do this:
function :: Int -> String
which is a function that takes an Int
and returns a String
. You can also do this:
function :: Integer -> String
which is a function that takes an Integer
and returns a String
. You can also do this:
function :: Integral i => i -> String
which is a function that takes either an Int
, or an Integer
, or any other integer-like type and returns a String
About your second question, your guess is right. You coud do
mu :: (Eq a, Integral b) => (a -> a) -> a -> a -> b -> (b, a)
Your commented questions:
You could do something like
function :: (Show a, Integral a) => a -> String
That will restrict a
to be any type that is both a member of Show
and Integral
Then you just write out the other arguments as specific types. You could do
function :: (Integral a) -> a -> Int -> String
which takes any integer-like type a
, and then an Int
and returns a String