I used XMLDOM to create a document (#1). I used Load("string"). With another XML document (#2), I want to append the first XMLDOM, but I get an error stating "This operation can not be performed with a Node of type DOCUMENT." How can I change the node to type ELEMENT (1)?
oDOM2 = Createobject(MSXML2.DOMDocument)
<bunch of code and other things go here...>
oDOM1 = Createobject(MSXML2.DOMDocument)
oDOM2.appendChild(oDOM1) -->Error
If i use the DOM object to create the object with createElement and addChild, with that fix the problem?
I figured out one way to handle this. After I have completed my document #1, then I can select a single node (the root) into a new DOM object. It works for my purpose.
oDOM2 = Createobject(MSXML2.DOMDocument)
<bunch of code and other things go here...>
oDOM1 = Createobject(MSXML2.DOMDocument)
oDOMTemp = oDOM1.selectSingleNode("//SomeXML")
Is there a better way?