I am using icanhaz inside my project. As per documentation it says that it includes the Mustache.js as well.
Now I want to access the embedded Mustache object's to_html() method as follows.
var message = Mustache.to_html(template, json, true);
I am however getting error 'Mustache not defined'. Since Mustache is already included inside iCanHaz.js and I am successfully using ICanHaz's other methods as well, I should not need to include entire Mustache library again just for calling this single method, Or should I?
I just want my template to render as normal string with values replaced from my json object. Any other simple and lightweight way is also appreciated.
No need to directly use the Mustache object.
Pass true
to your normal ICanHaz render method to get the HTML string:
var message = ich.myTemplate(json, true);