I need help in doing bootstrap in either R or Stata software. I want to calculate the proportion of those who say Yes and No to e.g. effectiveness of a policy
In Stata I have this code
bs "summarize y1" "r(mean)", reps(200) size(770)
what should be the value for r(mean)
to estimate the proportions?
Also, I have this code in R:
test <- function (q13){
test13 <- table(q13)
rel_freq <- test13/sum(test13)
results <- boot(data=q13, statistic=test,
How do I correct the code? I'm getting the error
Error in statistic(data, original, ...) : unused argument(s) (original)
In Stata you can use proportion
if a variable has more than two categories:
//sample data
sysuse auto, clear
keep if (headroom==2.0 |headroom==2.5)
gen prop=.
replace prop=0 if headroom==2.0
replace prop=1 if headroom==2.5
//say 0 is yes and 1 is no
set seed 123
bootstrap _b, reps(100):proportion prop
Updated as per @Nick: For binary variable, the following is sufficient
bootstrap r(mean), reps(100): summarize prop, meanonly
In R, you can do as follows using boot
package and mtcars data:
bootprop <- boot(x,myprop,100)