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Upload Product Image Fails in Sylius-Sandbox

I don't know if this question is valid or not, but I'm asking this specifically for Symfony.

In Sylius-sandbox: Uploading a product image does not seem to work. Tried on the demo site and on a local installation.

When an image is uploaded to a product, nothing happens. The default placeholder is shown and nothing appears in the upload directory.

The upload directory is also not created. Manually creating it seems to have no effect.

I have use code in symfony2.1 new installation. I am use App and Sylius-sandbox use bin.

Any one create or use Sylius-sandbox help me...



namespace Sylius\Sandbox\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity;

use Sylius\Bundle\AssortmentBundle\Entity\CustomizableProduct as BaseProduct;
use Sylius\Bundle\CategorizerBundle\Model\CategoryInterface;
use Sylius\Bundle\InventoryBundle\Model\StockableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Product extends BaseProduct implements StockableInterface

 * Product category.
 * @Assert\NotBlank
 * @var CategoryInterface
protected $category;

 * Variant picking mode.
 * Whether to display a choice form with all variants or match variant for
 * given options.
 * @var integer
protected $variantPickingMode;

 * Image path.
 * @var string
protected $imagePath;

 * Image upload.
 * @Assert\File(maxSize="512k")
 * @Assert\Image
public $image;

 * Set default variant picking mode.
public function __construct()

    $this->variantPickingMode = self::VARIANT_PICKING_CHOICE;

 * Get category.
 * @return CategoryInterface
public function getCategory()
    return $this->category;

 * Set category.
 * @param CategoryInterface $category
public function setCategory(CategoryInterface $category)
    $this->category = $category;

public function getVariantPickingMode()
    return $this->variantPickingMode;

public function setVariantPickingMode($variantPickingMode)
    if (!in_array($variantPickingMode, array(self::VARIANT_PICKING_CHOICE, self::VARIANT_PICKING_MATCH))) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong variant picking mode supplied');

    $this->variantPickingMode = $variantPickingMode;

public function isVariantPickingModeChoice()
    return self::VARIANT_PICKING_CHOICE === $this->variantPickingMode;

 * This is a proxy method to access master variant price.
 * Because if there are no options/variants defined, the master variant is
 * the project.
 * @return float
public function getPrice()
    return $this->masterVariant->getPrice();

 * Implementation of stockable interface.
 * Proxy to use master variant for managing inventory status.
 * {@inheritdoc}
public function getStockableId()
    return $this->masterVariant->getStockableId();

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function isInStock()
    return $this->masterVariant->inStock();

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function getOnHand()
    return $this->masterVariant->getOnHand();

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function setOnHand($onHand)

public function getImagePath()
    return $this->imagePath;

public function setImagePath($imagePath)
    $this->imagePath = $imagePath;

public function getAbsoluteImagePath()
    return null === $this->getImagePath() ? null : $this->getImageUploadRootDir().'/'.$this->getImagePath();

public function getImageWebPath()
    return null === $this->getImagePath() ? null : $this->getImageUploadDir().'/'.$this->getImagePath();

public function getImageUploadDir()
    return 'uploads/images';

public function hasImage()
    return null !== $this->getImagePath();

public function saveImage()
    if (null === $this->image) {


    $this->image->move($this->getImageUploadRootDir(), $this->getImagePath());

public function deleteImage()
    if ($file = $this->getAbsoluteImagePath()) {

protected function getImageUploadRootDir()
    return __DIR__.'/../../../../web/'.$this->getImageUploadDir();

static public function getVariantPickingModeChoices()
    return array(
        self::VARIANT_PICKING_CHOICE => 'Display list of variants',
        self::VARIANT_PICKING_MATCH  => 'Display options'

 * Get comment thread ID.
 * @return string
public function getCommentThreadId()
    return 'assortment_product_'.$this->getId();


  • I used sylius sandbox aplication as a guide too, if not used as a guide it may cause more confusion, try to make your own code all over and use the sandbox as a reference.

    2 points...

    1. I believe Sylius-Sandbox is deprecated (use Sylius/Sylius instead)
    2. To implement image management, there may be 2 options: 1- use the built-in image management from sylius which implements an image per variant. 2- Build your own implementation similar to what you have in your product entity code.

    On my implementation I thought it was simpler to use a OneToMany relationship from the Product entity with an Image entity, obviously it depends on your requirements. I used symfony documentation for the Image entity.