I am trying to create a custom tabbar using this tutorial for android 2.3.3 and above,but the title bar is disabled(Refer the image attached app deployed on Android 2.3.3 ).
Also, how do I customize the titlebar. Please guide me for the same.
I had a similar problem. I solved it this way. Created new layout for action bar tab's title and initialized first tab like this:
// init first tab indicator
View viewTabMain = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.your_title_layout, null);
((ImageView) viewTabMain.findViewById(R.id.imgTab)).setImageResource(R.drawable.icon_1);
// add main tab
tabHost.addTab(tabHost.newTabSpec(TAB_MAIN).setIndicator(viewTabMain).setContent(new TabHost.TabContentFactory() {
public View createTabContent(String s) {
View view = new View(getApplicationContext());
return view;
To other tab (or tabs) use the same. I hope this will help you!