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How can I edit a line in a file opened with FileSystemObject in VBA?

I'm looping through an input file and using the readline command to read each line, check it for various criteria, then I want to make changes based on the result. Here is a very simple version of what I'm trying to do:

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileLoc, 1)

Do While Not objFile.AtEndOfStream
     strLineRead = objFile.readline
     if strLineRead Like "*text to change*" Then
          'Some code to change the line
     end if

What I've been doing is saving the entire file to a string called strFileText, and then using a Replace function to replace the strLineRead within that string with the changed version. Something like this:

strFileText = Replace(strFileText, strLineRead, strNewLine)

and then write that entire string to a new text file.

The problem is, sometimes I might have a line where it's entire text is "NC", and then doing a find/replace on the entire file for "NC" changes more than just the one line.

So is there a command in the FileSystemObject, while on a certain line, to be able to alter the file directly? I'm thinking something like a "writeline" command.


  • Have these private subs somewhere in your file and on an event, call them. First call replace_text and fill it with the requirements. See my sample code.

        Private Sub Command3_Click()
        Dim sFileName As String
        Dim fileSys As Variant
        ' Edit as needed
        sFileName = Me.FileList.Value
        Set fileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Replace_Text sFileName, "bad text", "good text", fileSys
        End Sub
        Private Sub Replace_Text(targetFile As String, targetText As String, replaceText As String, fileSys As Variant)
        If Right(targetFile, 3) = "filepath extension you want (example: xml or doc etc.)" Then
            Update_File targetFile, targetText, replaceText, fileSys
            MsgBox "You did not select the right file. Please try again."
        End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Update_File(fileToUpdate As String, targetText As String, replaceText As String, fileSys As Variant)
        Dim tempName As String
        Dim tempFile As Variant
        Dim file As Variant
        Dim currentLine As String
        Dim newLine As String
            'creates a temp file and outputs the original files contents but with the replacements
            tempName = fileToUpdate & ".tmp"
            Set tempFile = fileSys.CreateTextFile(tempName, True)
            'open the original file and for each line replace any matching text
            Set file = fileSys.OpenTextFile(fileToUpdate)
            Do Until file.AtEndOfStream
                currentLine = file.ReadLine
                newLine = Replace(currentLine, targetText, replaceText)
                'write to the new line containing replacements to the temp file
                tempFile.WriteLine newLine
            'delete the original file and replace with the temporary file
            fileSys.DeleteFile fileToUpdate, True
            fileSys.MoveFile tempName, fileToUpdate
        End Sub