Say you have a GUI framework that supports nesting GUI components inside one another. Let's call the base class for any GUI component that can contain other GUI components a Container.
Is it OK to subclass Container soley to provide default configuration, or should subclassing always provide addition/override/implemented behavior? For example, say I wanted to make a ButtonBar container that filled up 100% of the screen width, was 50 pixel in height, and laid out its components horizontally. To configure a Container like that, I could do either of the following two examples:
Container container = new Container();
container.PercentWidth = 100;
container.Height = 50;
container.Layout = Layout.Horizontal;
// use container
OR, (and this is my question), is it OK to do this:
public class ButtonBar : Container
public ButtonBar()
PercentWidth = 100;
Height = 50;
Layout = Layout.Horizontal;
ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();
// use buttonBar
ButtonBar has no additional functionality over a container, and overrides no Container methods. It just serves to ease configuring a Container to be a ButtonBar.
I have concluded that it is probably best to use a factory that returns a Container, such as widgetFactory.CreateButtonBar(); This way, you end up using an abstract type (Container), and encapsulate the 'set-up' of the type in a factory, which is what factories do.
public class WidgetFactory
public Container CreateButtonBar()
Container container = new Container();
container.PercentWidth = 100;
container.Height = 50;
container.Layout = Layout.Horizontal;
return container;
Your approach is just as correct if some created a subclass just to override a method. One of the main reasons of OOP is for a simple modular design of programs. When you think about it from philosophical stand point your button bar is a different kind of object to a container the difference may seem trivial in a small program but in a larger one it could make the difference of the program being comprehensible.