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Clarification on _INTEGER

I have read this 'Pixel Transfer' page of the wiki but have an issues that remains annoying to me. Given the following statement:

Adding "_INTEGER" to any of the color formats represent transferring data to/from integral image formats

Given that _integer only effects what happens to the pixel data when it is transfered to/from the internalFormat does pixel-type of data effect whether _integer can be used?

Can gl_red_integer, gl_rg_integer, gl_rgb_integer, gl_bgr_integer, gl_rgba_integer, gl_bgra_integer formats be used with any pixel type as long as their component counts match?


  • From the same page

    If the format​ parameter specifies "_INTEGER", but the type​ is of a floating-point type (GL_FLOAT​, GL_HALF_FLOAT​, or similar), then an error results and the pixel transfer fails

    Guess that answers my question. I'm still not 100% sure how _integer interacts with packed types (like 10F_11F_11F_REV) but it looks like I need to read the wiki harder anyway so I expect that it is in there!