I'm using Solr to index some contents but currently, theses contents are suposed to be parent / child related.
I'm having something like that:
<id>*an Id*</id>
<path>*a path*</path>
<title>*a title*</title>
<id>*an other Id*</id>
<path>*a other path*</path>
<title>*a other title*</title>
But I would like to have something close to that:
<id>*an Id*</id>
<path>*a path*</path>
<title>*a title*</title>
<id>*an Id*</id>
<path>*a path*</path>
<title>*a title*</title>
I'm wondering if it's possible and how can I manage to define my schema.xml
on that way?
I'm using Solr 3.6
and I can't change it.
I hope someone can give me a hand.
Regards, Dekx.
Solr does not have subdocument structure. However, you can try using multivalued fields to map the content. You can also use delimited values.
Edit: The answer is for Solr v3.6 (as the question is also for v3.6)
as @iMysak mentioned Solr has started supporting nested documents in newer versions (from v4.8 as mentioned here).