I am a beginner in QuickBook. I have created a .NET application and is able to connect to a QuickBooks Api based app from my application. I have managed to show Blue Dot Menu in my application. Now I have a requirement to attach to company file.
1 - I would like what this company file is all about and what does it contain ?
2 - How are they created and managed ?
3 - How can I attach or access these files using .NET application ?
Thanks in advance.
At first, you can read the common QB terminologies.
Development related docs are available here -
Using ApiExplorer, you can test all endpoint.
Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0010_getting_started/0007_firstrequest
You can try the sample .net
.net devkit - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0055_devkits/0100_ipp_.net_devkit
1 - I would like what this company file is all about and what does it contain ?
Company file contains data. Your QBD's data get saved in company file(locally). Comapny file's data gets uploaded to cloud when you sync it. After sync, you get an id(called 'relamId' corresponding to your company file). While calling API endpoints, you use that relamId as a dataSource.
For QBO, all data gets saved in cloud.
2 - How are they created and managed ?
End-users(company file owners) manage their company files.
3 - How can I attach or access these files using .NET application ?
In the sample app's web.config, you need to set consumer key, consumer secret and app tokens. Your app's user will go through the OAuth flow to connect their QB account's data(available in cloud) with your app. Your app should use that consumer key, consumer secret, apptoken and releamId to get access token and access secret. Using these tokens, your app will be able to communicate with end-user's data-file.
Hope these info will be useful.