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How to setup trayer to be on all workspaces in xmonad?

I'm trying to add trayer to my xmonad & xmobar desktop setup.

Here is what I add in .xinitrc before exec xmonad

trayer --edge top --align right --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --expand true --width 18 --height 22 --transparent true --tint 0x000000 &

With it I can see it only on first workspace and it's selected by default.

I used to try to ignore it with

          ,[ className =? "Trayer" --> doIgnore]
          ,[ resource  =? "trayer" --> doIgnore]

but it makes no sense, trayer still being selected (I see selection border) on first workspace...

Here is my current xmonad.hs :

xmonad version is 0.11


  • It seems like the className for trayer is with a lowercase: "trayer". This should solve the selection issue.